Tuesday 6 April 2010

PR and Marketing to the ethnic consumer population in the UK


Since we last posted a little while ago, there has been some activity on a national level.

A report has finally been published extolling the importance of targeting the ethnic consumer and why it is vital create dedicated PR and marketing strategies for them. It came a full month after 79PR, on this very blog, gave you the run-down on how you can do it and integrate within marketing plans.

The published document talks about why advertising and marketing spend should create focused campaigns for the increasingly diverse UK ethnic population.

It’s a topic we have been campaigning about for years. What the report doesn’t do is show you how to do it. It's all well and good telling UK marketeers what they should be doing, but it's not a case of just going and doing it. It requires specialist planning and attention and that is why 79PR devotes so much time to this topic and is now a ethnic PR specialist.

Check out our blog last month (which has been recieved fantastic feedback) on a comprehensive run-down on the things you need to consider and do even before you create a marketing plan for ethnic consumers. 79PR is currently in the midst of conducting one of the most comprehensive insights what the ethnic consumer’s behavioural trends and consumer habits are today via a dedicated research campaign.

The results will be out very soon. Keep it pinned to this blog.

Seventy Nine PR - A PR firm based in Leicester, ethnic PR specialist.

